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Remember the awareness excitements of being a kid?  Without measuring, most things appeared bigger than they actually were and more important too. Friendly giants offered rescues of helping hands and imaginative zippidy do dahs invented loyal oaths between pals. Times seemed simple and enchantments effusive. It was the easiest and most natural thing to wish for stuff you didn’t have to share.


Go figure. Growing up was what happened to the bigger wishes compromised by relativity of size. Small stuff could be great stuff and large stuff could honestly be trivial stuff. One challenge of thinking young is to keep your eyes open wide enough to appreciate life’s good stuff. Another is to create ways to good heartedly acquire your true heart’s desire for bigger stuff.


                     WOODSY  SADIE

     Girl meets Boy.

     She asks him to go for a walk in the woods


     they would have been great kids together

     sugar smacking lickity lips

     while marching innocently backwards

     hugging wind, outsmarting weather

     they would have been great kids together

     whoever had money would pay to play for

     having a forever share of great times together.

     They may have chosen to stay in the woods

     as long as they could

     pretending scoops of pine needle heaps

     were really beds, couches and chairs.

     We would have been great kids together

     Your tell is you’re effortlessly funny

     We’d choose winning sides to up our game

     Acting all carefree and happy.


     We are all kinds of great kids together

     it’s no big deal, holding hands into the kiss     

     Tag, you’re it! And I called it first.

     Dibs on front seat shotgun.

     Don’t get shook cuz I made you look

     See you tomorrow, same place and same time.


6th SA (say about): Proportion: Out of or put in-love is the human great exclamation of satisfaction!

Good speed,

” Ratio” | Patt  ©2013

Posted in Select "Say" Book


“Brevity is the soul of wit”, Shakespeare


A lot can be said in few words

little can be said in a lot

terse on you, terse on me

terse is tell all minceability

dis expando sidetrack talk

abbreviate the communicate

life says brief it up, not beef it up

gangbuster art words do it

when minuses add the way too much

subtract addendums down

practice perfects the perfect.



5th SA (say about): Superfluities: excesses should have expiration dates;

the times by which extraneous extras exit!

Always Addible,

“Seriously” | Patt ©2013

Posted in Select "Say" Book


If you like parts of speech, vowels, conjunctions, and consonants and the interesting ways they shape thought, suggest, communicate and record, then you probably love poetry.

Great descriptions and explanations beg the colorful, provocative free use of language.  The calling forth of the written word and/or poetic muse starts revealing relationships with old ways pen and paper or new ways electronic keyboards. Spirited accounts take on more emphasis, more life, more va va voom when given content guides and poetic structures.

Sometimes rhyming occurs naturally, sometimes it’s forced and sometimes it just won’t happen. Often, free verse is a new word wardrobe try on. Either way, we’re freed to think more and higher about things. The value of these exercises is immeasurable. We gain clearer perspectives, are able to see ourselves better and understand our ways and means on a deeper level.  Our lives are enriched by exposure to the best place to be when we feel our best and say and do the right things the best way we can.  That place is poetry’s own somewhere exceptional.

                               Poet’s Conundrum

Over under crisscross doubt is where conundrums dwell

in the outs of circumfit demitered words unjell.

Poets phrase the way they will and not one stays on track

mumbo jumbo raking waves course, odd clutched, up and back,

ideates mesh in other dumb, sequestered close together,

emotions strained so hard become sheer hostage in this weather.

Clam-jam-fries mock logic’s block, sense empty chatter prattles.

Shaking brains to think unfurled just doesn’t stop the rattles.

O.K., good, well, fine, alright, when it has to be that way,

confusions crash into themselves ‘til meaning has a say.

And then it does, oh boi-yoi-yoing, after gyrated minds are sore,

a self-reliant confidence can break through doubting’s door.

Cast away the two ticket twist, throwing perception’s wit aside.

Write the poem the way you want and focus on the ride.


4th S A  (say about): POETRY:  composition characterized by elevated, imaginative and passionate verse.

Poetically,   ©2013  Patt | “WARDROBE WORDS”

Posted in Select "Say" Book