Category Archives: Select “Say” Book


  Remember the awareness excitements of being a kid?  Without measuring, most things appeared bigger than they actually were and more important too. Friendly giants offered rescues of helping hands and imaginative zippidy do dahs invented loyal oaths between pals.

Posted in Select "Say" Book


“Brevity is the soul of wit”, Shakespeare Gangway A lot can be said in few words little can be said in a lot terse on you, terse on me terse is tell all minceability dis expando sidetrack talk abbreviate the

Posted in Select "Say" Book


If you like parts of speech, vowels, conjunctions, and consonants and the interesting ways they shape thought, suggest, communicate and record, then you probably love poetry. Great descriptions and explanations beg the colorful, provocative free use of language.  The calling

Posted in Select "Say" Book