Category Archives: Select “Say” Book


Seasonal weather agendas rarely allow for best laid plans, but no other time of year exceeds the excitement anticipation expectation of spring. The stubborn bleak of winter does its up and down dance with calendar changes and temperature fluctuations. We

Posted in Select "Say" Book


Word search past history to perceive the evolution of now.  Word search the present to witness the building blocks of the future.  And so on and so on the paradigm grows. Word search brotherly to understand kind affection.  Word search

Posted in Select "Say" Book


One extraordinary occasion in the pre-spring, in-out Lion, out-in Lamb month of March is St. Patrick’s Day.  Celebrating St. Patrick’s life and particularly his death, has contagious widespread appeal. On this sainted day people like to claim a wee bit

Posted in Select "Say" Book