Go Ahead Be Red
So what’s with the two red cars
aligned side by side
at the corner station
close by the fuel pumps?
Are they resting from travels
out of gas
for sale in a couple of days?
Or are they waiting for a call
to deliver all
the bastions of balloons
shifting positions in the backseats?
They are also red
with interspersed pastels.
Places they’ve been blown up for
may be occasions to come
where applaused congratulations
rise on helium.
Yonder expectations
are uncommon exclamations
of what is dear and wonderful
when clever hearts
want to show
meaning and sentiment,
because to actually speak
would be another hemisphere
where fuel is expensive.
Expression is clear
when only lovers hear
what is really being said.
Love should lift
and move on wheels
go ahead be red.