Hotsy Totsy, who do you think you are
and who do you think you’re fooling?
You carry torches in your eyes
silken your erotic thighs
with books read from cover to cover.
Aloof to the boot
you shield the space
behind your face
with soul as the force you believe in.
Your heart is an open book
you wrote the book of love
cliffs notes in the margins
writing proverbs as eye-openers
attendant to carnal knowledge.
You mince and you prance
design your dance
in renegade slithering motion.
Hot down and humid, in through the timid,
done before the timer goes off
your F stands for ultimate
curvaceous desire
enigma fire
girl barrell with shapely legs
and a magic beg
hip sling wild thing, passionate flower,
love treasure bower
ecstasy bandit, tough stuff
female is you.
But, that thing that you do
is a dead giveaway
you are obviously hotsy totsy.