After  Memorial  Day, we celebrate and commemorate all summer long, with the holiday spirit propelling us finally into a Halloween mode.   At that time, then, we’re made aware that the Christmas season is just around the proverbial corner.  We love to celebrate special occasion significance in as many ways as we can invent and promote.  It’s happy this day, happy that day and usually and very importantly somebody’s happy birthday every day.   And summertime makes it easy to plan and execute happy day special eventing.

Commemorating is a chance to feel good about remembering to acknowledge the good and to do good.  The good goes on to crescendo in finale where our end goods get oh, goody goody even gooder.  It’s a good thing to enjoy the good spreadability of good, like yummy good icing on yummy good birthday cake.  Good news cancels out and /or negates any holiday or birthday blues that may attach themselves and occur unwillingly.  When we make things good, everything becomes all good and the happy good stands out.

                                                       GOT SALT

Your act of coming into life was a birr, a spin, a whirr

witnesses were overjoyed to experience your forceful entry

place of birth seeming same as origin.

All of a sudden there you were front and center

per thousand persons number one.

There was heritage in your foremost cry, a temper wailing joyous ascent

into the positive universe of first breath air,

your salted beginning a right acquired, your inheritance a natural gift.

The anniversary of this your day will justly remain precious forever,

you embody two grandiose intimate influences

coming together to form miraculous you.

You’re prominently loved by everyone, your rootstock divinely created.

You are the you everybody recognizes

you know who you are, belated or current,

and you have no secondary stand in.

Happy, happy birthday you!


3rd S A (say about):  YOUNIQUE, before, during and after Happy Birthdays all you unequaled and matchless originals.


In Like Kind,

Patt    © 2013 | “SOS”

Posted in Select "Say" Book

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